Thursday, March 13, 2025

Why am I a Hobby Economist?

 Is there anything called hobby economist? Google gave me the following definition:

It's someone who enjoys learning about and discussing economic principles, trends, and events, but doesn't work as an economist or have formal qualifications in the field.

This really describes me and my passion for business and economics for the last 30 years or even more. So, I am talking about 1995 and those days, we did not have Internet. So, BBC World Service Radio was the best source of getting information about business and economy. I do not have any formal academic degree in this field but I have got the passion to pursue it for many years.

I used to write in newspapers and magazines in Bangladesh about international affairs and naturally I used to cover about business related topics and events. Then, I started writing about Information Technology in 1999 and I mainly covered about the business aspects of IT since I was not a tech guy.

I studied English Literature and then English Language Teaching (ELT) but I know that I have spent more time on economics than any other field.

Then in 2005, I opened my first blog in Blogpost and it was called Asianbiz. It helped me to land a work with California based Know More Media with their blog called SouthAsiaBIz and then IndianRaj. It was fun for me to write about South Asian Business and Economy. For five years, I wrote about Sotth Asian business.

I enjoyed writing about all the 7 countries of South Asia but wrote mostly about India as it was easy for me to find news about Indian economy. In 5 years, my 4 blogs about South Asia had I guess 7-8 thousand posts. Yes, I had two bloggers with me. I felt that my passion about economy has helped me a lot to write and enjoy writing about South Asian business.

In 2014, my life took a sudden turn and I became the founder president of e-Commerce Association of Bangladesh. Then for the next year, I become totally involved with e-Commerce and f-commerce (Facebook based commerce or business) in Bangladesh. I wrote at least 10 thousand posts in Facebook, gave many Interviews in newspapers and TV channels, spoke in at least 10 universities, took online classes and workshops etc.

 If you search my name in Google and Facebook with the word e-CAB or e-Commerce then you will notice how much I was active for 10 years. Well the only problem is that I did 99% of the works in my own language Bangla. So, you have to search in Bangla.

I attended almost 1 thousand events, meetings online and offline and all of them were about e-Commerce. I was particularly vocal about the matter that e-Commerce will become the driving force of Bangladeshi economy. Many people used to laugh at me during 2014-2016 but then many of them were forced to adopt some form of online business during Covid 19 in the year 2020.

So, for the last 20 years I have been actively related to the field of business and economics. It gives me a lot of satisfaction to remember the achievements of past 20 years. Now, I have started my journey again as a blogger. I want to write about business and economy again with all my passion. I’m optimistic that this time I will achieve a lot of success with my writing. I also want to make videos for YouTube and speak in different universities and in tv channels about this topic.

Going back to the original topic of why I am a hobby economist, I hope that I have been able to address the issue quite well. Now, I have decided to take this matter very seriously and become a full time Hobby economist. Actually, I have decided to become a full time writer and I will mostly write about business topic. My journey starts with this blog and I will take this matter very seriously. It is like a do or die type matter for me. Yes, I want to become successful but more than that I want to dedicate my life for it.

At my age , most people think of retiring in life and have a peaceful life but I have found my passion again and I want to try for my dream with all my heart. I know that if I can spend 10 to 12 hours a day then success will come. I just want to try my best and do not have any regret.

I want to write articles about different countries and I want to write about different industries. I want to forget everything else and just focus on my writing. I had a dream of coming out with some new theories but I failed. At this age, I’m not sure that if I can do it but I surely want to spend every hour of my life for my writing.

I know that writing is a very lonely type of work and most people are not interested to read about business and economy. How about, I do not care about it but I just want to keep on writing and keep on reading. I know how to use Facebook for promoting my activities and that is why I know that if I can do something then thousands of people will read about it.

I just want to write and write every day. I know that In our time, most people are not interested to read long articles but I do not want to feel discouraged from this. I want to keep on trying and try my best.

I am very happy to write a thousand-word long blog post now. It has taken one hour but I felt that it has motivated me a lot to start my journey as a hobby economist. May be, one day, 10 thousand people will read this post and I welcome you in advance.


1 comment:

  1. Reading your writing, I could sense how dedicated you are to writing. Economics is a boring subject for many, but it is the key driving force of any country. From your writing, it is clear that you have been directly involved in e-commerce and f-commerce for a long time. That’s why your experience in this field is extensive, which can significantly contribute to the economic analysis of any country. With such dedication to your work, I am sure we will get to see many more great writings from you in the future.


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